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returntothepit >> discuss >> Recap thread to the AWESOME! FASSW, cattle decap, misery index, JFAC, Animosity show by the_reverend on Jun 13,2006 11:57pm
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Jun 13, 2006 Club Lido (Revere, Ma)
animosity - 2006-06-13
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cattle_decapitation - 2006-06-13
Cattle Decapitation(75)
flash animated slider show
from_a_second_story_window - 2006-06-13
From A Second Story Window(138)
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job_for_a_cowboy - 2006-06-13
Job For A Cowboy(77)
flash animated slider show
misery_index - 2006-06-13
Misery Index(81)
flash animated slider show
randomshots - 2006-06-13
flash animated slider show
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 13,2006 11:57pm
Did anyone else feel like they were in a submarine looking at the stage?
I'm working on pictures.
will post shortly.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 14,2006 12:15am
pictures uploading in a minute

toggletoggle post by slowlypeelingtheflesh   at Jun 14,2006 12:22am edited Jun 14,2006 12:26am
this show was so much fun
especially when myself and joshua from the au pair were making shout outs for ourselves.

during FASSW

toggletoggle post by paradigmdream  at Jun 14,2006 12:40am
that was a great show

toggletoggle post by LtdEc-1000  at Jun 14,2006 12:42am
that show was fucking intense.

toggletoggle post by GoatOfCatalyst at Jun 14,2006 1:01am
Looking forward to this in CT tomorrow.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 1:06am
good show. I enjoyed each set...except Job For A Cowboy...sorry guys, you need to do something to hold the crowd's attention.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 1:10am
but seriously, this was a great fucking night.

toggletoggle post by ant_hill_law  at Jun 14,2006 1:10am
a-fucking mazing night.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 14,2006 1:13am
I had a similar impression on JFAC.. I will post reivews in the morning.
sleep now.

toggletoggle post by immortal13 at Jun 14,2006 1:32am
Fucking awesome show. Probably one of the best I've been to in a while.

Derrick from FASSW bit my nipple and broke my necklace, so in return he gave me a free shirt.

toggletoggle post by metalguy at Jun 14,2006 1:53am
Misery Index played tight as hell like always

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 14,2006 9:04am
for me, the blown PA pretty much ruined the night from the start.


toggletoggle post by SteveOTB   at Jun 14,2006 9:33am edited Jun 14,2006 9:33am
I got there just in time to see JFAC's last song. I mainly went there for JFAC, Cattle Decapitation, & FASSW. But it was an awesome show. Most of the night I spent hanging out with Derek (FASSW) who put me on the guest list and the guys in Cattle Decapitation. Yeah the blown PA really sucked but overall it was still an awesome show.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 14,2006 9:51am
i got kicked out during JFAC's second and thought i was gonna miss their hole set. they only played like four songs in all so i didnt miss much. and they were pretty unimpressive to begin with. left me thinking that they dont deserve all the 15000 plays a day they get on myspace. but animosity sounded insane from outside the front door.

toggletoggle post by mOe in AMherst at Jun 14,2006 10:08am
i got in just in time for Animosity to start their set, it was pretty fuckin great, they always kick ass

Misery Index was good, but i can't help but be disappointed with the drums

didn't watch too much of Cattle, unfortunately but by this time i was kinda in the bag

FASSW slayed as always but thats to be expected. The new songs are crazy. There are parts that are way heavier than shit they did before but there are these HUGE sounding melodic parts as well, usually with blast beats behind them. A security guard with a stupid red tie almost got his ss handed to him by everyone there for fucking with Derek when he was on my shoulders. All in All a great time, as i thought it would be.

toggletoggle post by slowlypeelingtheflesh   at Jun 14,2006 10:32am
Misery Index stole the show

Cattle Decapitation disapointed me, a lot.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 10:33am
anonymous said:
i got kicked out during JFAC's second and thought i was gonna miss their hole set. they only played like four songs in all so i didnt miss much. and they were pretty unimpressive to begin with. left me thinking that they dont deserve all the 15000 plays a day they get on myspace. but animosity sounded insane from outside the front door.

I saw that. Were you the guy who threw the first punch or the guy who hit back?

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 10:34am
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:
Cattle Decapitation disapointed me, a lot.

They really got too bent out of shape about the technical problems. But I thought they played well.

toggletoggle post by EAB_Booking  at Jun 14,2006 10:48am
mOe in AMherst said:
A security guard with a stupid red tie almost got his ss handed to him by everyone there for fucking with Derek when he was on my shoulders. All in All a great time, as i thought it would be.

Talked to Derek about this after the show. Apparently the security guard got pushed into you guys, he wasn't actually going after you. They've always seemed real cool about stuff like that so when I heard he went after you I thought that was really bizarre..

Great show though, wish the turnout was better. Maybe if Misery Index and Cattle Decap. didn't just play here a week ago..

toggletoggle post by SteveOTB   at Jun 14,2006 10:57am
Yeah Derek is someone I don't want to fuck with while he's on stage. He's kindof a split personality, nicest guy you'll ever meet off stage but when he's up there he's an absolute maniac and that's one of the reasons why I love this band. I saw when he was pushed over by accident by the security guard, he got pissed, he pushed the guy, the security guard pushed back, Derek punched him in the face and then the security guard jumped on top of him. I thought Derek was going to be arrested, luckily it was a big misunderstanding and all was worked out afterwards.

toggletoggle post by Winston at Jun 14,2006 11:06am
Is Derek the guitarist that spends most of his time jumping around rather than playing?

toggletoggle post by GoatOfCatalyst at Jun 14,2006 11:08am
Im pisscupping JFAC if they dont live up to every ounce of their utterly RETARDED hype. Bring your goloshes fuckers.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 11:19am
oh, I forgot to mention this. During Cattle Decapitation, people actually said, "Play a breakdown...please!" and other random heckling stuff. Seriously people? grow up. They were probably the same people who were outside for Misery Index (who are chock full of if you missed them and came for breakdowns you are retarded).

Yes, Derek barely plays the songs but I can't say anything bad about him.

And JFAC will not live up to the hype. They will pour cement around their feet and play.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 14,2006 11:21am
that bouncer was actually super cool. he was slow to do anything about it and quick to calm down (unlike most bouncers and I dare say most human beings). I was standing right there for the whole thing. so whatever anyone else says is bullshit. derek kept pulling on the lazer fixture. he finally came over and tried to pull derek down off moe's sholders so that derek wouldn't rip the lazer down. derek sort of 1/2 came off moe's sholders before he realized that it was someone pulling him off and not him just falling off. he then shoved the bouncer. the bouncer came back and may have pushed him, but I think he was just trying to hold derek back and talk on his walkie thing. derek took a swing at him and knocked the walkie away from his mouth. the bouncer then grabbed at derek trying to put him in a headlock and everyone ran and pulled them apart.
the bouncer calmed right down and allowed them to finish. I think that he was acting completely professionally especially to the rollercoaster of emotion that is derek.

toggletoggle post by GoatOfCatalyst at Jun 14,2006 11:27am
Anybody who attends a show solely for breakdowns should SERIOUSLY consider suicide.

toggletoggle post by SteveOTB   at Jun 14,2006 11:27am
It was hard for me to see he was hanging on the lazers. I was just going by what I saw, I wasn't blaming anyone Rev.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 11:33am
GoatOfCatalyst said:
Anybody who attends a show solely for breakdowns should SERIOUSLY consider suicide.

There are a lot of people that do...that's the saddest part. There are whole crews of people who just go to dance and "look cool" during breakdowns and don't give a shit about the bands, the music, etc.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 14,2006 11:35am
i threw the punch.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 11:37am edited Jun 14,2006 11:37am
I saw that...I couldn't figure out why that started at all. Just get bored and decided to hit the kid? I'm sure I could have missed whatever pissed you off, I'm just curious though.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 14,2006 11:38am
steve: I wasn't saying that to you. I was saying that to everyone... including to derek. I think that no one's account is correct but myne since I was watching the whole time AND I'm always correct. even in my spelling of myne. in that, I'm correct too.

there is only one kid there who is allowed to do that. it's that kid that always dances everywhere for everyone. I'm not sure who he is... but I'm pretty sure the only time I ever heard him talking to anyone he was talking about moshing. live by the mosh, die by the mosh. that's what [I assume] he always says.

toggletoggle post by __THeMoor__NLI at Jun 14,2006 11:38am
yeah, derek was on the lasar; I tried to hold it away from him for a littlebit so he could play but the thing didnt budge much.

This show was awesome. I'm going to Conn for it again tonight.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 14,2006 11:40am
the kid in the white shirt

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 14,2006 11:41am
Who cares? How old are you?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 14,2006 11:46am
um.. I'm sure that was aimed at me, anonymous. I'm 30, why do you ask? that is called a joke. I make them from time to time.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 14,2006 12:01pm
nah, he's probably talking to me...random sub-conversation going on in this thread about a kid who got kicked out in the beginning of the show.

You're right, I don't care. I'm 22...I just think it's retarded to do some stupid shit that makes you waste $12 before you even see the show.

Oh well, I thought it was funny.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 14,2006 12:05pm
i punched the kid because he was doing his hole push pit shit to the wronge person. i gave him a few warning punches to try and tell him not to push me and he obviously didnt get the message, so i punched him for real. i didnt mean to pop the kids eye wide open but it happened.

toggletoggle post by GoatOfCatalyst at Jun 14,2006 12:10pm
Hey, assholes!

Breakdowns inside:

toggletoggle post by slowlypeelingtheflesh   at Jun 14,2006 12:34pm
anonymous said:
i punched the kid because he was doing his hole push pit shit to the wronge person. i gave him a few warning punches to try and tell him not to push me and he obviously didnt get the message, so i punched him for real. i didnt mean to pop the kids eye wide open but it happened.

you're a fucking idiot, and deserved to be kicked out..if he was in your mosh space you should of just stopped before it got out control and you even had to hit him

You know you could of said something to him to instead of just hitting him, go back to shows in your mom's basement.

toggletoggle post by slowlypeelingtheflesh   at Jun 14,2006 12:35pm
the_reverend said:
steve: I wasn't saying that to you. I was saying that to everyone... including to derek. I think that no one's account is correct but myne since I was watching the whole time AND I'm always correct. even in my spelling of myne. in that, I'm correct too.

there is only one kid there who is allowed to do that. it's that kid that always dances everywhere for everyone. I'm not sure who he is... but I'm pretty sure the only time I ever heard him talking to anyone he was talking about moshing. live by the mosh, die by the mosh. that's what [I assume] he always says.

indeed, I saw that same kid when Animosity played at the a tiny basement that kid was still dancing..

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Jun 14,2006 12:45pm
This thread is proof that breakdowns cause Down's Syndrome.

toggletoggle post by alex_sds   at Jun 14,2006 2:39pm
Job For A Cowboy disappointed me a lot and I wish they had a lot more energy. It seemed to me like they were very disconnected from the crowd and almost like they didn't even care.

Animosity played a pretty sweet set, I'm not too familiar with them but I'll definitely have to pick up their CD soon.

I'm not a huge Misery Index fan so I didn't really watch them.

Cattle Decapitation was pretty good except I couldn't hear the guitars at all. It was really pissing me off how much the PA sucked.

FASSW is always great to watch, they put on a crazy show and everyone loves them.

toggletoggle post by nyckz0r nli at Jun 14,2006 3:31pm
Nice sunglasses =)

Who said they were dissapointed with the drummer from Misery Index?
You blast a set, live.

GREAT SHOW. Misery Index killed, Cattle Decap sounded so horrible, Im dissapointed I caught such a shitty show from them. The PA was louder than everything and it sounded like a retard mixed it.

toggletoggle post by nickyhelliot  at Jun 14,2006 3:49pm
The lead singer of Cattle decap's highs sound like pteradactle's eating babies.

So many rediculous pictures during FASSW. I'm the kid with the white shirt and curly hair.

toggletoggle post by nickyhelliot  at Jun 14,2006 3:50pm

toggletoggle post by DrinkHardThrashHard  at Jun 14,2006 3:54pm
RichHorror said:
This thread is proof that breakdowns cause Down's Syndrome.

Remember when breakdowns were like a nice surprise in a song, that got your blood flowing and made mosh pits erupt naturally?

Now they are an institution, and it kinda takes the fun out of everything.

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Jun 14,2006 3:56pm
I remember when metalcore meant DRI.

toggletoggle post by DrinkHardThrashHard  at Jun 14,2006 3:57pm
Oh, I do too.

toggletoggle post by soloman   at Jun 14,2006 4:09pm
Misery Index pwnd.

toggletoggle post by desperado nli at Jun 14,2006 5:16pm
id get along with that guitar guy of fssw.

toggletoggle post by BogusRendition  at Jun 15,2006 1:46pm
You guys want an even more boring JFAC related topic? Go to Phoenix where theyre from and check out all the fags that they go to school with that come to their shows.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 3:49pm
I wish i could get my phone to synch with my PC so I can post my review.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 8:15pm

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 8:16pm
job for a cowboy: the sound was pretty terrible for them. The PA only had triggers and vocals coming out of it. They were tight and all live, but the "next best thing"? I'm not sure about that. The recorded tracks were so good, but live, it sounded really thin. especially the guitars. Also, the vocals and bass are both the best part of the tracks, but they were both pretty bad live. Maybe if I heard them in a place with good sound. They played the spongebob song, but I didn't recognize it at all. why people are all over their nuts is just a trend. My advice is listen to the myspace tracks and that's good enough.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 8:18pm
animosity: the sound got a little better for them and by the end of their set sounded 1/2 way decent. They didn't go crazy like they have in other shows. I think its cause they were all about running off to see zappa and not really about doing this show. They short of just hurried through the set to run and see that other show.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 8:21pm
misery index: same set list that they've been playing this whole. Still, it was awesome to catch them again. I've been able to listen to the new CD more so that more than just the titles were familiar. the crowd shifted for their set and a lot of the metalheads filled in. this band's members are some of the coolest people I've had the pleasure of meeting and boy, do I love the tracks off the ep.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 8:25pm
cattle decapitation: sort of a long set up per usual, but they played a super long set. The other 2 shows, they only played 2 new tracks. This show, they played 4! in the middle of their set, something was up with the guitar, but josh finally fixed it right and they played a bunch more. Even though there were hecklers asking for breakdowns, the rest of the crowd obviously loved it. These guys get get mad respect from a lot of people. it's not undue either. they are all some of the best/interesting musicians out there. I really hope they come around again on a second tour for the CD, but with their 2nd guitarist.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 8:36pm
metal blade used some of the pictures there:

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 15,2006 8:38pm
from a second story window: after the number of times I've seen them, I've learned that it's a powder keg about to go off. the difference between them and other bands is that "feeling that something bad is going to happen" will more than likely come true. something is going to happen and it will be both fun and entertaining with a 50% chance of messiness. unlike most bands, FASSW doesn't have the sense of boundaries between themsevles and the crowd and for most of the set, the singer,will, and the guitarist,derek, will be slamming into, climbing onto, and completely involving the crowd. they played 5 new songs. at least 3 of them had clean singing and one of them had an acustic sounding part. Another started off sounding like the band HUM. Moe took over the mic during the challenge of caring.
the last song got pretty interesting and the above typed "fight" broke out. the set ended with the audience holding up derek's guitar and playing it while he screamed on stage.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 16,2006 3:49am
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:

you're a fucking idiot, and deserved to be kicked out..if he was in your mosh space you should of just stopped before it got out control and you even had to hit him

You know you could of said something to him to instead of just hitting him, go back to shows in your mom's basement.

nah the kid really was a jackass, when people started getting pissed for him pushing kids moshing he started going at them with punches...
that's sweet that kid busted him open though... he was too quick for my spinkicks, but i snuck in a cheep shot and kicked him in the back as he was getting dragged out...
I'm not 'only about the mosh' or w/e but i hate jackasses...

toggletoggle post by sacreligion at Jun 16,2006 4:45am
yeah man cuz cheap shots to the back are the way to go

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 16,2006 9:02am
anonymous said:
but i snuck in a cheep shot and kicked him in the back as he was getting dragged out...


toggletoggle post by lanimilbus   at Jun 16,2006 9:15pm
Amazing show. From A Second Story Window put on the absolute best, most chaotic and energetic live shows I've ever seen, with the POSSIBLE exception of The Dillinger Escape Plan. For anyone who's interested, I got 75+ pictures from this show as well as a video of Job For A Cowboy playing "Entombment of a Machine" and a video of From A Second Story Window playing "I Tried Voodoo Once" (Although it cuts out more than once when people landed on me/jolted the camera and when Will, their vocalist took the camera and tried to take a picture of me on stage during the song) that are all on my site at

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 16,2006 10:09pm

toggletoggle post by xf9292afd7dab36abcbda at Aug 30,2006 5:08pm
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